Curator of Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. As a curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, she was in charge of curating the following exhibitions from 2004 to 2022. Shinro Ohtake Zen-kei Retrospective 1955-2006 (2006), Sayoko Yamaguchi: The Wearist, Clothed in the Future (2015), An Art Exhibition for Children: Whose place is this? (2015), MOT Annual 2019 Echo after Echo: Summoned Voices, New Shadows (2019), Eiko Ishioka: Blood,Sweat,and Tears-A Life of Design (2020), Christian Marclay Translating (2021) (at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo). She also curated Omnilogue: Your Voice is Mine (2013, NUS Museum, Singapore) and Sapporo International Art Festival 2017. Her writings on modern and contemporary Japanese art have appeared in a number of journals in Japan.
- 薮前知子 YABUMAE Tomoko