Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo. Director of the Ohara Museum of Art. Studied Western modern art history at the University of Tokyo Graduate School and Paris-Sorbonne University. Interested in the history of 19th century French painting (Manet, academic painting) and the history of French-Japanese art exchange (Japonisme, modern Japanese painting). His major books include Representations of Modern Artists-Manet, Fantin-Latour and French Paintings in the 1860s (2006), Histoires de peinture entre France et Japon (2009), The Trajectory of Return-150 Years of Art Exchange between Japan and France (Edited, 2013), Edouard Manet: A Revolution in Western Art History (2018), etc. The exhibitions he supervised include “Raphaël Collin” (1999), “From Monet to Cezanne-Impressionism and its Era” (2002), “Railway and Painting ” (2003), “19th Century Exhibition of French Painting” (2009), “Japan’s Love for Impressionism, from Monet to Renoir” (2015-2016), etc.
- 三浦篤 MIURA Atsushi