Ashida Aki is an art historian who specializes in 20th-century art in the United States, and a curator of contemporary art. Diploma from Goldsmiths College, University of London, MA and PhD from Kobe University. She worked as a curator at Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto from 2006 to 2019. Curated exhibitions include “Nobuyoshi Araki Kumamoto Lullaby” (2008-2009), “Motohiko Odani: Phantom Limb” (2011), “Welcome to the Jungle: Contemporary Art in Southeast Asia” (2013), “STANCE or DISTANCE? –Connecting Myself to the World” (2015), “Tomoko Hayashi: Reweaving the Rainbow” (2020-21). Curator of “Art Project KOBE 2019: TRANS-“. Co-author publications include Reading and Understanding Timeless Masterpieces: 70 Western Paintings (Tokyo: Natsumesha, Co. Ltd., 2010). Articles include “Questions of Painting and Space in the Rothko Chapel,” in Bijyutushi Rekisan (History of Art History)(Tokyo: Chuo Koron Bijutsu Shuppan, 2013). She is currently engaged in research on post-war art history at Institute of Fine Arts, New York University and Kobe University, and also curates and writes articles on contemporary art.
- 芦田彩葵 ASHIDA Aki